General Visitor Information

At Mt Graham Regional Medical Center, we welcome visitors of family and friends. We recognize that encouragement and love are vital to the healing process. Below we have listed the guidelines for our different departments:

Regular Visiting Guidelines

Mt Graham Regional Medical Center embraces a philosophy of open and flexible visitation that welcomes and encourages the involvement of family/significant others in the patient’s care. The hospital strives to provide a caring environment while recognizing the importance of visitation to our patients, families, and friends. This Policy was developed while considering the following factors: (a) the benefits of visitation to the patient; (b) the impact of visitation on patient care; and (c) the safety and security of patients, visitors, and employees. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all visitors enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with patient preferences. To view a complete copy of the Visitation Policy, please see the patient handbook that you received at registration. If you do not have a patient handbook, please ask to receive one.

No children under 12 during flu and RSV season. Children must be accompanied by an adult other than the patient. Overnight visitation at the discretion of the charge nurse and only in private rooms.

Intensive Care Unit Visiting Guidelines

There are very few limitations on visiting the ICU area of our hospital, but the few that we have are adhered to strictly.


We appreciate your compliance with these guidelines. When visiting the ICU, we request that you call from the phone located in the ICU waiting area per the instructions posted on the wall. The ICU waiting area is located on the north side of the hall in front of the entrance to the ICU.

We recognize the fine line between patient safety and a patient’s need for support and companionship. These guidelines were designed to try and meet both.

Obstetrics Visiting Guidelines

Visiting hours for the OB department is between the hours of 10 am and 8 pm. We encourage new families to be together. We love to see brothers and sisters welcoming their new siblings into the world. However, due to the high level of RSV in our area, children under 12 are not allowed into OB during the RSV and Flu season. (This is determined by whether we have RSV patients in the hospital. However, RSV season is generally between November to March.) Please check with the hospital before visiting on whether our RSV limitations are in place or not.

When visiting the OB department, please come to the entrance and alert the OB staff to your presence by using the phone located just in front of the OB entrance and following the instructions posted on the wall above. Thank you for your cooperation.

Patient Information

Many questions arise when a hospital visit is scheduled. It is usually a time of apprehension when people feel vulnerable. At MGRMC, we believe the best way to overcome that vulnerability is through knowledge. We want to provide every patient with the knowledge of what they deserve, what they can expect, what is expected of them, and their rights when they come to our hospital.

If you or someone you know is preparing for treatment at our hospital, please take a moment to review the items listed to the left. This valuable information will help pave the way to a smooth and successful visit to MGRMC.